There is nothing as painful as the loss of a loved one. Whether it is a child, sibling or parent it cuts to the heart of who and what we are. Connected, loving, nurturing human beings.
There is nothing I or anyone else can say or do to stop this pain. At best all we can do is offer you a free, safe and personal place to memorialize your loved ones life. A place to spend time with, treasure and reflect on your time together. A place to share memories with trusted loved ones, connect with family and friends. I know this brought me solace when my Mother passed and I can see it has helped many thousands of others get past their loss and grief. No miracles sorry, just the simple process of creating an online memorial to preserve the legacy of your loved one for you, your family, friends and future generations.
Treasure me is a specialized memorial site that offers a free, safe and secure place to spend quality personal time with a loved one. It allows you to store, manage and share photos, stories and memories with friends and family as well as, create your own memoirs (stories), time capsule (time delayed messages) and photos that can be memorialized on your passing. As the name implies treasure me allows you to treasure the ones you love without the clutter of a social media site or third party trying to sell you services or features.
Over the course of this blog I will share my experience dealing with the loss and grief of losing a loved one. I hope you will share with me and the community your experiences and what has helped you through. It won't take the pain away but it will make you aware that death is part of life and that there are many of us experiencing what you are going through. Sharing, reflecting creating does somehow soften the burden.
Please select a post on the right side of this blog and leave your comments, questions and experiences. We would like you to be part of our community.
Thank you,
Treasure me support manager